First of all before we get to flat earth debunked lets all admit the people in control of this planet and the academics deny flat Earth & deny that the pyramids and other megalithic structures were built by superior engineers.
They say all the numbers that appear in dimensions of things like the Giza pyramids and other megalithic structures in Peru, China, Russia, Egypt, Turkey that match with PI and other well known mathematics golden ratios are all a fluke – REALLY?
I would post this answer on the biggest flat earth Facebook group in the world (116k people at the time of writing this) Official Flat Earth & Globe Discussion but i got a 7 day mute for asking why my post was not posted! I was told by Nathan Thompson that all posts get posted in time and he muted me for 7 days for complaining and told me that using the search bar would probably show it had been covered already – it certainly had not – low and behold after about 4 days my post was not only still not posted but deleted from the to be posted list?
“Shame on you for not hosting a fair debate!”
“The Great Pyramid as Geometric Model of The Earth”
My first question to the flat earthers that was deleted by them before being posted
Here is my question that i posted to the group its a bit weird that it got ignored for 3 days then deleted from the list of to be approved posts ?……
“New to flat earth theory but confused about things i have learnt about ancient technology, things done with stone in Peru and around the world that we still cant do today (soften stone) (and proof of advanced machining techniques that can only be done with cnc machines and diamond tools today invented in the 90`s) that date everything back to at least 36000 years ago and golden ratios we can prove are in things like the pyramids and lots of other structures in nearly every country in the world – so I am totally sold on a massive lie about our true past but….”
What is the flat earthers answer to the golden ratios, numbers, pi, star alignment etc found in things like Giza pyramid and other megalithic structures that give us the exact size, mass, diameter, ratio etc of earth and these numbers relate to all life, cells, mathematics and were from 36k+ years ago when everyone talked about space, planets and stars- – ?
The following is a list of conclusions drawn from analysis of the relationship of dimensions found within and without the Great Pyramid :
– A precise definition of the Royal Cubit as it relates to the Earth
– The size and shape of the Earth
– The Mass and Density of the Earth
– The Gravitational Constant
– The Escape Velocity from the Earth to obtain an Open Orbit
– The Escape Velocity from the Earth to obtain escape from the combined Earth’s and Sun’s gravitational field
– The significance of the location of the Great Pyramid
– The Golden Ratio
– The Mass of the Sun
– The Mass of the Moon
– The Mean distance to the Sun and the Circumference of the Earth’s Orbit
– Neutral Points of Gravity between the Earth and the Sun
– The Mean distance to the Moon
– The Orbital Velocity of the Earth
– The Orbital Velocity of the Moon
– The Metonic 19 year cycle of the Moon’s orbit of the Earth
– The Lagrange Point (L1) between the Earth and the Moon
– The Speed of Light
– The Orbital Velocity of the Solar System relative to the Center of the Milkyway Galaxy
– The Velocity of the Local Group of Galaxies which includes the Milky Way Galaxy relative to the Universe ”
“The Great Pyramid as Geometric Model of The Earth”
Sources for ages of structures from many videos from all of these guys:
- Robert Schoch (meets with Joe Rogan)
- Billy Carson (secrets of the emerald tablets)
- Graham Hancock (debate on Joe Rogan with Michael Shermer & Randall Carlson puts people right about Gobekli Tepi and ages)
You might want to look into the latest about Göbekli Tepe if you have outdated information about ages of things around the world and the timelines we are taught.
You think this conspiracy has been going on for many thousands of years and the people back then were clever enough to build things to the same ratios of everything around us with accuracy to today’s surveys and specialists? With everything tying up with everything from the circle of life to dimensions of things that cant be done by eye?
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section
The Fibonacci numbers are
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, … (add the last two to get the next)
The golden section numbers are
0·61803 39887… = phi = ? and
1·61803 39887… = Phi = F = 1 + phi = 1/phi
The golden string is
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 … a sequence of 0s and 1s that is closely related to the Fibonacci numbers and the golden section.
More math systems to be placed here soon….
Lets get these numbers up first for you to refer back to (modern measurements of the sun, moon & Earth)
- radius of moon 1080
- diameter of the moon 2160
- radius of the sun 432,000
- diameter of the sun 864,000
- number of seconds in half a day 43200
- number of seconds in a day 86400
- 1440 (I will get this one later)
- diameter of the earth 7920
This is why I listed the number of seconds in a day
To be continued when i get time, but meanwhile Randal Carlson puts most of this information out in this video, and is backed up in many other videos with people like Graham Hancock, John Anthony West & Brien Foerster.
Hi Dean, I’m really enjoy your interesting and informative website, I’ve read most of Graham Hancock’s books, they blew my mind, so accurate and asks more questions than it answers.
We actually know very little of our past, but it’s clear there must have been an ancient civilisation that built all the megalithic structures.
I believe these were referred to in the Bible, the “gods” did indeed visit the earth.
Genesis 6:1-4. They left their mark, we now have Greek and Roman mythologies and modern superhero stories as a legacy.
I’m also convinced we are living in the time of the end, as the bible clearly marks this time as the most troubled in history. 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13, Luke 21: 10,11, 25-27,
Thank you John its people like him that have opened my eyes, there is another book out recently by Brian Muraresku called “The Immortality Key” and the foreword was done by Graham Hancock they both appeared on Joe Rogans podcast recently – this book here >
I’m not sure that the flat earth folks would agree that the pyramids correlate as closely as you have described with the various other things such as the moon, sun, earth, etc.
There are some very obviously significant things about the pyramids, such as their ratio within their structure, their orientation on the ground, and their correlation to the stars. However, I think some of the correlations that you have made are seen as non-verifiable or invalid due to matters of precision and margin of error.
They should not have censored you either way. I think there is probably a place for megalithic research in the ‘flat earth community’ although I don’t know for sure. Clearly the megaliths and their builders are at the center of a great mystery, regardless of the shape of the world we inhabit.
The big questions will always remain: Who built the pyramids, why, when and how? What is the purpose of the giant granite boxes? What is the relation between the megalithic structures found all over the world?
We will likely never know.
Thankyou for your feedback Arik, yes the big questions are what fascinates me so much! With regards to the different correlations I will be the first to admit calculating all of that is beyond my skillset but I linked the video at the end by Randall Carlson who has done those calculations to a much greater extent and speaks about it which if I am honest was where I got that information from. Not just from that video alone but from the appearances of himself and Graham Hancock on Joe Rogans podcast. A lot of inspiration came from Brien Foerster too. So much knowledge between those people who disagree with flat earth like myself. However the flat earthers do put out some interesting points which was why I engaged with them to ask there opinion on it
Speaking to a Flat Earther recently , the great pyramid of Giza came up in the discussion. I said to him, “if one started at the pyramid and traveled in any direction over land and sea in a straight line, would one hit the ice wall”? He said “eventually yes” I said to him if that were the case we would have a flat earth however what would you say if we keep going and arrived back at the pyramid “? He said “it simply couldn’t happen”. I’d love to see that experiment take place.