A few years ago crossbows looked just the same. Not anymore. With more hunting opportunities innovations have risen and are bringing better crossbows year after year. Previous years one could walk into a shop and buy any crossbow displayed.
Arrow Precision Inferno Fury Crossbow
Precision Inferno Fury Crossbow
Lightweight of just 2.1 kilograms
Stylish designs for both right and left handed user
Camouflage design ideal for wild hunting
Relatively cheaper
Lower speed as compared to most of the crossbows
Low-quality arrows
A video review of the Precision Inferno Fury Crossbow
Barnett Ghost 410 Crossbow
Barnett Ghost 410 is designed with a smaller frame that gives the crossbow power and speed to shoot accurately. The crossbow has the capability of hitting targets that are moving at a speed of 410 feet per second (FPS). Barnett Ghost 410 is among the fastest crossbows available in the market. The crossbow is ideal for hunting due to its 83 Kg solid draw weight.
The weight allows the hunter to make short work and easily for the game. The crossbow is the best choice for getting accurate results because of its sleek body and lightweight construction. The total weight of Barnett 410 Crossbow is a total of 7.3 kilograms making it ideal for anyone to carry around. The weight makes the crossbow the best choice for the beginners.
Barnett Ghost 410 generates kinetic energy o up to 20.46 kg-m, therefore, making precise and accurate shots as possible.
Using the Barnett Ghost 410 reduces the arm fatigue to its users due to its lightweight nature. The user is always in balance and stable when aiming at a target.
Barnett Ghost 410 Crossbow
Sleek Design
A high speed of 410 FPS
Heavy draw weight of 83 kilograms
Makes noise when using
Requires a higher budget to purchase as compared to other crossbows
A video review of the Barnett Ghost 410 Crossbow
Barnett Wildcat C5 Crossbow
Whether one needs a presentable, easy to operate or a sleeker crossbow the Barnett Wildcat C5 Crossbow is the best option. Barnett Wildcat C5 draws a weight of up to 68 kg with a higher Kinetic Energy as compared to most of the crossbows.

Barnett Wildcat C5 Crossbow
- An appealing sleek design
- Easy to use
- Quick
- Slightly lower accuracy
- The Crossbow delivers similar results to most of the other crossbows in the market
This is a great review. Thank you. The youtube videos got old I would recommend an update.